Friday, September 16, 2011

6. personal interest (musica)

Recently I got over 2000 songs from my friend Charley. Right now at this moment im going through and have not even gone through 200 songs. The vast majority are techno bands such as Basshunter, Dubstep, and many various others. My favorites have been those performed by Dubstep, and some covers done by Asking Alexandria. My Itunes Library at this point is roughly 2750 songs... soon to be less hopefully. A few songs are very strange such as those songs performed by Avenue Q. And that's what is hapeening at this point in time. I looked into the band Basshunter since i was not fimilar with them and found out that they are actually quite popular, or in more accurate terms, "he" is very popular.

this site is a link to a list of songs that are on this music collection

Sunday, September 11, 2011

1. Untilited Mandala


Sam Francis, Untitled Mandala, 1975, Collection of Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic F. Renfert. 75.12.2 © 2005 Samuel L. Francis Foundation, California/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

This artwork was done by Sam Francis. I personally like the way the artist used shape and color to make a unique inage. He uses a simple square then has splattreing of color around the squares and coming off them, making all the squares blend, and yet be seperate. The emphasis for this artwork for me was the white square in the middle, the squares lead the eye to that point. There's also a stark contrast between the gaps in the squares. The use of the elements and principles have been expertly put together to make a vrey unique good artowork.

-Ian Wilson